It's been so long! We haven't had the Internet this month so I haven't been able to post anything... We'll be getting it again at the beginning of the new year, and I'll flood this blog with about a billion photos. I can't wait!
Monday, December 23, 2013
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Workspace Wednesday// New Studio// Getting Organized
Joining up with Marcy Penner for another week of Workspace Wednesday. I am dying over her Project Life card organization! Drool.
Sorry I've been gone for a few days! We have officially moved in to our new home and I'm starting to get organized in my new craft room! I'm excited to show the progress here with you each week. I am loving all the shelves and extra space! I can't wait to get all moved in and start creating! YAY!!!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Life Through the Lens// Clark Family Photos Part 2
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Life Through the Lens// Clark Family Photos
For my sister Jeni's birthday, she let me take her family photos. Aren't they just the most good looking family?! Seriously stunning. Thanks to my beautiful sis for letting me spend a little bit of her special day with her sweet family! 

When did those kids get so grown up?! Seriously... the last time I took their photos Lincoln was a newborn. Thank goodness for pictures because these moments are too precious to forget.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Workspace Wednesday// All Boxed Up// Sort Of
Joining Marcy Penner for another week of Workspace Wednesday! Her space, as always, is totally inspiring today. It makes me want to start our December album right this second...
But that will have to wait. Admittedly, this week my photo is far from pretty or inspiring... but I promise, tucked away in all those boxes are loads of lovely scrapbooking supplies, and in just a few days they'll find their way to our new home...

Conversation overheard between my husband and the neighbors:
Neighbor, "Looks like you must be just about finished packing!"
Danny, "Well... we've almost finished, um, with the craft room."
Me, sitting inside listening, looking at the living room where the other half of the craft room has spilled over... yet to be packed. It is what it is.
I can't wait to get to our new home, and start organizing my new craft space! Looking forward to sharing the progress with all of you!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Around Here// Croup
Sweet little Max... He is such a cheerful soul, even when he doesn't feel well. He still has a rather sensitive tummy, and we are hoping that improves soon. Last night he started having a difficult time breathing and a high fever... so off to the after hours clinic we went. The diagnosis: Croup.

Monday, October 28, 2013
Project Life// Featured
I was so excited to have one of my Project Life spreads featured over on Rebecca Cooper's blog Simple As That for her Saturday link-up party. Thanks again Rebecca!
We've been busy packing everything up and getting ready for a move to our new home next week. (We got a home!!!) Most of my craft supplies are all boxed up, but I just haven't been able to put away my Project Life essentials--album, core kits, typewriter. I think I'll be hand-carrying it all straight into my new craftroom... You just can't risk misplacing items of such importance.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Scrapbooking// Hello Adventure
Oh, the beautiful adventures our little family has shared so far, and the wonderful ones yet to come... So grateful for my handsome boys and my sweet Dolly puppy. Love this photo of us down on the farm, in our sunny yellow VW bus, by the talented Heather Bybee. 

Thanks for looking!
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Life Through the Lens// So in Love
Home Decor// Halloween Door Hanging

For a very easy decor idea, simply pick up an inexpensive white frame and switch out the print inside for the current season or holiday.
For added interest, I spray painted a thrifted frame and layered it with the framed print. You can easily combine the two frames with a bit of festive ribbon. Simple.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Growing Up// Max at Six Months
How did this happen? How could six months really have come and gone already? I heard an interesting quote the other day by Gretchen Rubin, "The days are long, but the years are short." I'm finding this to be so true. We have many long, tiring days, but somehow those long days turn into weeks and months really quickly. My tiny four pound baby is turning into a big strong boy right before my eyes.
Max at Six Months:
Working on sitting up on his own.
Still trying to get his little tummy happy. Starting to have more good days, thankfully!
Seems to do best on gluten and dairy free formula. Looks like he takes after me.
Wants to crawl. Working on it with all his might.
Rolls over onto his tummy the moment he lays down.
Still wearing 3 month clothes. He was a month behind already, and because of the sickness he has been fighting, he hasn't gained any weight since his four month appointment. Even with his health challenges, he's still very strong and determined! He's a bit behind physically but otherwise on track developmentally.
Obsessed with Dolly. He just looks at her and smiles all day long. Starting to reach for her and tug on her fur... I play interference. Luckily, she continues to be extremely tolerant and soft with him. They love each other, and that makes me really happy.
Loves to be upside down and lifted in the air. He giggles and laughs every time.
Loves to swing in the bucket swing in Nana and Papa's backyard.
Loves sucking on his thumbs, fists, and toes.
Has such a fun, sweet, and cheerful personality.
Sings softly in the morning and in the car. He has the sweetest little melodic coos I've ever heard.
Makes me laugh and smile all the time.
Whispers "hi" over and over when I pick him up in the morning and after naps. I know, I know, it's early... but he has consistently done it all month long. It's pretty much the cutest thing ever.
Loves to stand. He has from the get-go. No sitting on the job for him. He wants to stand up and look around like a big boy.
He loves books. He cries when he can't hold them tight enough. We've learned the beauty of soft baby books.
Loves when Daddy comes home from work and lifts him up in the air-- probably his biggest smile of the day.
He continues to be a little fighter. Determined, strong, cheerful and patient. He is an inspiration.
We love our little Max bear so much. He is such a beautiful miracle and we couldn't be more grateful he's ours. I fall more and more in love with him every single day.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Life Through the Lens// Hello Dolly
I just had to share a couple of cute photos of my pretty Dolly girl enjoying a sunny autumn afternoon. I think Fall is her favorite season. She seems especially happy crunching the leaves beneath her paws as she runs. Oh, I love her so much! I'm so grateful for her love and companionship.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Life From the Passenger Seat// VW Makeover// Project Life
One Saturday morning in August, Danny and I were daydreaming about the carefree adventures we wanted to take as a family.... Somewhere in the conversation the idea of buying and restoring an old VW bus came up... Before I knew it, we were test driving a few old Transports around town. Within a few weeks, our little daydream was a reality.
Danny has been working on our sunny little bus in his spare time ever since, and hopefully 2014 will allow us a chance to set out on the road for an adventure. We've got some pretty fun plans for this baby.
My Danny brings out the adventurous side of me, and I like that.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Project Life// Sept 7-13, Quite a Week.
Just popping in to share another week in our lives and piece of our story... this spread is about the week Max started struggling with his health in September. It was quite a week. One I think I'll never forget. It started out so happy... with little M rolling over for the first time Tuesday morning. Then he didn't seem to have the energy to roll over the next day, and some scary symptoms started to appear. Things got pretty frightening from there on out. I am just so unbelievably grateful he made it through everything and is starting to make some improvements. He is so strong. 

Thanks for looking.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Life Through the Lens// Fall Afternoon
Yesterday was the first day in weeks that my sweet boy seemed to be feeling better. I am sure hoping he continues to improve. We spent a little time over at Nana and Papa's and it was just a perfect fall afternoon. He and Papa played on the swings while I played with Dolly, and of course, snapped some photos. Oh, how I love these darling photos of my sweet boy and his Papa.

Thanks for looking and have a happy weekend!
Friday, October 18, 2013
Project Life// Why I love Project Life// Short Video.
Project Life// A Look at our Story
As promised, I've got a whole lot of Project life photos that I've been needing to catch up on posting... and there are more coming. I'm not gonna lie, with a high risk pregnancy I couldn't bend down to arrange my photos and photograph them properly. And obviously, after my sweet little Max came, he required all of my time and energy. I still need to finish his birth story spreads, but other than that, I've actually managed to keep up to date! Thank you Project Life...

Honestly, the last several months have not been easy with Max's health challenges, and the fact that I've been able to keep on top of documenting our story is amazing. I'm in love with Project Life. It just works for me! The accessibility of core kits at local scrapbooking stores could not have been timed any better, as I (nerdy here) anxiously awaited both the arrival of our little Max and PL at Hobby Lobby. I love that I can dress the pages up if I have a little more time, but I can also just slip the photos and cards in the page protectors while the little man is napping and it still looks beautiful!
I've got a lot more pages coming and a system figured out to streamline the process of sharing Project Life posts weekly here...
Thanks for looking!
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